Estrategias sociopedag?gicas para la prevenci?n de la deserci?n escolar de los estudiantes del nivel de educaci?n primaria


Pe?ata Martinez, Pedro Antonio

123 p.
La deserci?n escolar es la acci?n de desertar a los estudios regulares que realiza el estudiante, implica abandonar las obligaciones y separarse de las concurrencias que el estudiante debe asumir como un acto obligatorio de formaci?n. Esto obedecer a diversas causas que presenta el estudiante, la familia o la instituci?n educativa. El objetivo de la investigaci?n fue Proponer Estrategias Sociopedag?gicas para la prevenci?n de la Deserci?n Escolar de los estudiantes del nivel de Educaci?n Primaria del Centro Educativo el Reparo. El sustento te?rico lo constituy?: el Construccionismo Social de Gergen (2002), Deserci?n Escolar de Camiso (2001), Sociocultural de Vygotsky (1978), Aprendizaje Significativo de Ausubel (1989) y Teor?a humanista de Roger (1985), y la Constituci?n Pol?tica de Colombia, (1991), Ley General de Educaci?n LGE (1994) y Leyes 115 de 1994 y 30 de 992. Metodol?gicamente responde al paradigma positivista, con un enfoque cuantitativo, es una investigaci?n descriptiva de campo, con soporte documental. La muestra censal const? de 10 docentes, les aplic? un cuestionario dicot?mico. Se analizaron los datos mediante la estad?stica descriptiva e inferencial. Las conclusiones del diagn?stico y recomendaciones dieron origen a la propuesta: Estrategias sociopedag?gicas para la prevenci?n de la deserci?n escolar en educaci?n primaria.
School dropout can be seen as the action of dropping out to regular studies carried out by the student, implies abandoning the obligations and separating from the concurrences that the student must assume as a mandatory act of training. Said abandonment may be due to various causes presented by the student, the family or the educational institution. In this context, this research was carried out whose general objective was: To propose Socio-pedagogical Strategies for the prevention of School Dropout of students of the primary education level of the El Reparo Educational Center, rural area of the municipality of Cove?as, Department of Sucre, Colombia. For the purpose of this study, the researcher relied on the theories: Social Constructionism by Gergen (2002), School Dropout by Camiso (2001), Sociocultural by Vygotsky (1978), Meaningful Learning by Ausubel (1989) and Roger's Humanist Theory (1985). Likewise, the study was legally supported by the Political Constitution of Colombia, (1991), the General Law of Education LGE (1994) and Laws 115 of 1994 and 30 of 992. Regarding the methodology, the study was embedded in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach, being a documentary research with a descriptive level using a census sample of 10 teachers to whom a dichotomous questionnaire was applied. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics supported by authors to specify the analysis, emerging the pertinent conclusions and recommendations. Finally, the researcher was able to design imperative socio-pedagogical strategies to prevent school dropout in primary education.

Publication Year
Estrategias sociopedag?gicas
Deserci?n escolar
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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