Influencia del PTA en el rendimiento acad?mico de los estudiantes del grado quinto de la I. E. los Volcanes del municipio de Tierralta-C?rdoba


Doria P?rez, Mar?a del Rosario; Porras Dager, Liliana Esther

El objetivo del siguiente documento es determinar la influencia del Programa Todos a Aprender (PTA) en el rendimiento acad?mico de los estudiantes de grado quinto de la instituci?n educativa Los Volcanes. La metodolog?a descriptiva, el enfoque positivista y una investigaci?n de tipo documental, son los derroteros de la investigaci?n, dado que se pretende realizar una descripci?n y an?lisis preciso del evento, a trav?s de indicadores y mediciones preestablecidas por el Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional (MEN), el Instituto Colombiano Para el Fomento de la Educaci?n Superior (ICFES) y el establecimiento educativo. La investigaci?n se desarroll? en la Instituci?n Educativa Los Volcanes, de la zona rural del municipio de Tierralta ? C?rdoba, la poblaci?n sometida a estudio son los estudiantes de grado quinto, correspondiente a los periodos 2014 y 2015, que son comparados y avaluados para determinar la influencia del PTA sobre el rendimiento acad?mico. El procedimiento inicia con la identificaci?n del problema, sus posibles causas, la selecci?n de la muestra, su contexto y posterior an?lisis de la informaci?n recopilada del MEN, ICFES, documentos de seguimiento de los procesos acad?micos y disciplinarios de los estudiantes, antes y despu?s de la puesta en marcha del PTA, en la instituci?n educativa los volcanes, con el fin de emitir un diagn?stico del aporte hecho por el PTA al proceso formativo.
The objective of the following document is to determine the influence of the "Todos a Aprender" Program (PTA) on the academic performance of fifth grade students at Los Volcanes educational institution. The descriptive methodology, the positivist approach and a documentary type research are the paths of this study, since it is intended to make a precise description of the study event, through indicators and measurements preset by the Ministry of National Education (MEN) , the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES) and the educational establishment, which were not analyzed in this work. The research was developed at the Los Volcanes Educational Institution, in the rural area of the municipality of Tierralta - C?rdoba. The population under study is fifth grade students, corresponding to certain periods (2014-2015), which are compared and evaluated to determine a positive or negative evolution of academic performance. The procedure begins with the identification of the problem, its possible causes, the selection of the sample, its context and subsequent analysis of the information collected from the MEN, ICFES, follow-up documents of the academic and disciplinary processes of the students, before and after the start-up of the PTA, in the Los Volcanes educational institution, in order to issue a diagnosis of the contribution made by the PTA to the training process. Finally, the results were related to the environmental conditions, the contribution made by the PTA on the academic performance of the studied populationwas determined and aspects to improve and adverse conditions that hinder the proper development of this program were highlighted.
Mag?ster en Ciencias de la Educaci?n

Publication Year
Rendimiento acad?mico
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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