Red de supervisi?n educativa entre pares docentes: de la administraci?n tradicional a la gesti?n educativa estrat?gica


Alvarado Cabeza, Karol Ximena

150 p.
El tema abordado son las redes de Supervisi?n educativa entre pares docentes, teniendo como punto de partida la administraci?n tradicional para llegar a la gesti?n educativa estrat?gica. Adem?s, el presente estudio ten?a como prop?sito crear una red de supervisi?n educativa entre pares docentes. A nivel metodol?gico el estudio se desarroll? utilizando el enfoque cualitativo y el dise?o de investigaci?n acci?n, el escenario donde se desarroll? la investigaci?n es en el colegio Instituto de Promoci?n Social del Norte de Bucaramanga y los participantes fueron 15 docentes. Las t?cnicas e instrumentos de recolecci?n de informaci?n fueron la entrevista, grupo focal y talleres, se validaron los instrumentos a trav?s de pruebas piloto y an?lisis de expertos y el procesamiento de datos se realiz? a trav?s del software Atlas.TI. Como resultados obtenidos se caracteriz? la supervisi?n del Instituto Promoci?n Social del Norte, se generaron espacios para la creaci?n de una red de supervisi?n educativa entre pares y se evalu? la efectividad de esta. Se concluy? que conformar una red de supervisi?n educativa entre pares docentes contribuye a mejorar la calidad del proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje. Palabras claves: Redes, redes de supervisi?n, supervisi?n educativa, pares docentes, calidad educativa, gesti?n educativa estrat?gica.
The topic addressed is the educational Supervision networks between peer teachers, taking as a starting point the traditional administration to reach the strategic educational management. In addition, the purpose of this study was to create a network of educational supervision among teaching peers. At the methodological level the study was developed using the qualitative approach and the design of action research, the scenario where the research was developed is at the Institute of Social Promotion Institute of Bucaramanga Norte and the participants were 15 teachers. The techniques and instruments for gathering information were the interview, focus group and workshops, the instruments were validated through pilot tests and expert analysis and the data processing was done through the Atlas.TI software. As results obtained, the supervision of the Social Promotion Institute of the North was characterized, spaces were created for the creation of an educational supervisory network among peers and the effectiveness of this was evaluated. It was concluded that forming a network of educational supervision between teaching peers contributes to improving the quality of the teaching and learning process. Key words: Networks, supervisory networks, educational supervision, teaching peers, educational quality, strategic educational management.

Publication Year
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
Calidad educativa
Administraci?n y planificaci?n educativa
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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