Concepci?n del perfil docente investigador en el contexto rural de C?rdoba, desde la experiencia de los actores involucrados


Tov?o Flores, Jos? Leonardo

238 p.
El prop?sito de esta investigaci?n fue Comprender la concepci?n del perfil investigador requerido por los docentes que laboran en el contexto rural de C?rdoba Colombia, desde la experiencia de los actores involucrados. Su abordaje te?rico se referenci? en conceptos definidores y sensibilizadores que propiciaron la comprensi?n de las categor?as preestablecidas, fundamentados en autores como: Serrano (2013), Gonz?lez (2013), M?rquez (2011), L?pez (2011), D?az Santamar?a (2009) Duarte (2007) y G?mez (2003) entre otros. Se trata de un estudio asociado al paradigma cualitativo interpretativo, asumiendo un enfoque epistemol?gico introspectivo vivencial apoyado en el m?todo fenomenol?gico como tradici?n cualitativa. Se seleccion? un dise?o c?clico, heur?stico flexible, el cual se refin? en el transcurrir de la investigaci?n. Los informantes clave fueron seleccionados con base a criterios propuestos por el investigador, quedando conformada por cinco (05) sujetos encuestados, a quienes se les aplic? una entrevista en profundidad, organizada en matrices de an?lisis para proceder a la categorizaci?n, reducci?n fenomenol?gica, deposici?n de la data, estructuraci?n, apoyados en la redacci?n de memorandos y dise?o de dialograma para cada informante. El alcance de los prop?sitos permiti? concluir que el perfil investigador del docente rural condensa las formas de relacionarse con los dem?s, partiendo del funcionamiento socio emocional, que le permitir? como profesional conectarse consigo mismo desde el ?Sentir?: Autoconciencia y el ?Hacer?: Autocontrol. As? como, interrelacionarse con los dem?s desde el ?Sentir?: Empat?a y el ?Hacer?: Habilidades Sociales, tomando como fundamento te?rico lo propuesto por la UNESCO como pilares de la educaci?n, centrados en el desarrollo de competencias investigativas: Habilidades Sociales e interculturales, Adaptabilidad y flexibilidad, Iniciativa y autonom?a, Productividad y responsabilidad, Liderazgo socio comunitario. Se recomienda validar el constructo te?rico generado como oportunidad de mejora para el establecimiento del perfil investigativo del docente de acuerdo con el contexto rural donde labora.
The purpose of this research was to understand the conception of the researchprofile required by teachers working in the rural context of C?rdoba Colombia, from the experience of the actors involved. Its theoretical approach was referenced in defining concepts and sensitizers that led to the understanding of the pre-established categories, based on authors such as: Serrano (2013), Gonz?lez (2013), M?rquez (2011), L?pez (2011), D?az Santamar?a (2009) Duarte (2007) and G?mez (2003) among others. This is a study associated with the qualitative interpretive paradigm, assuming an experiential introspective epistemological approach supported by the phenomenological method as a qualitative tradition. A cyclic, flexible heuristic design was selected, which was refined in the course of the investigation. The key informants were selected based on criteria proposed by the researcher, being composed of five (05) surveyed subjects, to whom an in-depth interview was applied, organized in analysis matrices to proceed with the categorization, phenomenological reduction, deposition of the data, structure, supported by the writing of memoranda and design of a diagram for each informant. The scope of the purposes allowed to conclude that the research profile of the rural teacher condenses the ways of relating to others, starting from the socio-emotional functioning, which will allow him as a professional to connect with himself from the "Feel": Self-awareness and "Doing": Self-control As well as, interrelate with others from the "Feel": Empathy and "Doing": Social Skills, taking as a theoretical basis the proposed by UNESCOas pillars of education, focused on the development of research skills: Social and intercultural skills , Adaptability and flexibility, Initiative and autonomy, Productivity and Responsibility, Social community leadership. It is recommended to validate the theoretical construct generated as an opportunity for improvement for the establishment of the investigative profile of the teacher in accordance with the rural context where he works.

Publication Year
Perfil investigativo
Educaci?n rural
Formaci?n investigativa
Investigaci?n colaborativa
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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