Impacto del gobierno escolar en la instituci?n educativa Enrique Olaya Herrera, San Bernardo del Viento - C?rdoba


Lengua P?ez, Carlos Miguel

107 p.
La investigaci?n sobre el Impacto del Gobierno Escolar en la Instituci?n Educativa Enrique Olaya Herrera, San Bernardo del Viento - C?rdoba, se enmarca en los lineamientos establecidos en la Ley General de Educaci?n 115 de 1994 y Decreto 1860, donde involucra a diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa, a la conformaci?n del gobierno escolar; sin embargo, se presentan dificultades en la operatividad, implementaci?n y control. Por tanto, tuvo como prop?sito analizar el impacto que ha tenido el gobierno escolar en esta; evaluar la operatividad del gobierno escolar para la optimizaci?n de la calidad educativa; reconocer la percepci?n que tienen los estudiantes, docentes y padres de familia del gobierno escolar; caracterizar las apreciaciones de estudiantes y docentes frente a la aplicaci?n del Manual de Convivencia en la Instituci?n Educativa; e identificar las pol?ticas y planes de acci?n que posee el gobierno escolar en la Instituci?n Educativa. Con respecto al tipo y dise?o de la investigaci?n, es de tipo descriptivo; la poblaci?n estuvo constituida por 1277 estudiantes, y la muestra la conformaron 50 integrantes que constituyen el gobierno escolar de esta Instituci?n; la principal t?cnica fue la encuesta y realizaci?n de algunas entrevistas. Como conclusi?n, se pudo determinar que, la mayor?a de los miembros de la comunidad educativa considera que se dan las bases para la democracia y la participaci?n del gobierno escolar y todos sus estamentos, al igual que los derechos y deberes consagrados en el Manual de Convivencia Escolar. Palabras clave: gobierno escolar, manual de convivencia, participaci?n, operatividad.
The research on the Impact of School Government in the ?Instituci?n Educativa Enrique Olaya Herrera, San Bernardo del Viento - C?rdoba?, is framed in the guidelines established in the General Education Law 115 of 1994 and decree 1860, where it involves different members of the community educational, to the conformation of the scholastic government; However, there are difficulties in operation, implementation and control. Therefore, its purpose was to analyze the impact that the school government has had on it; evaluate the operability of the school government for the optimization of educational quality, recognize the perception of students, teachers and parents of the School Government, characterize the students 'and teachers' opinions regarding the application of the Manual of Coexistence in the Educational Institution and identify the policies and action plans that the school government has in the Educational Institution. Regarding the type and design of the research, it is descriptive; The population was constituted by 1,277 students and the sample consisted of 50 members who constitute the school government of this institution, the main technique was the survey and conducting some interviews. As a conclusion, it was determined that, according to the majority of the members of the educational community, they consider that the bases for democracy and the participation of the school government and all its levels are given, as well as the rights and duties enshrined in the manual of School life. Keywords: school government, manual of coexistence, participation, operability.

Publication Year
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
Administraci?n y planificaci?n educativa
Enrique Olaya Herrera, San Bernardo del Viento ? C?rdoba
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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