Convivencia escolar factor determinante en la interacci?n de los estudiantes de secundaria y media de la Instituci?n Educativa Llana de la Tigra


V?squez Lozano, Gr?tel

110 p.
Este proyecto se encuentra dentro de la l?nea de investigaci?n Educaci?n y Sociedad, en el ?rea de Integraci?n y Diversidad Humana, eje tem?tico Convivencia Escolar, el cual es abordado con enfoque cualitativo de alcance descriptivo de tipo transversal, mediante la recolecci?n de datos por medio de entrevistas y observaci?n participante al grupo focal de la investigaci?n. El desarrollo de esta investigaci?n le permiti? a la Instituci?n Educativa Llana de la Tigra del municipio de Rionegro, Santander - Colombia conocer cu?les son los factores que afectan la convivencia escolar entre los estudiantes de secundaria y media, con base a la informaci?n obtenida se dise?? un plan estrat?gico que ha permitido mejorar los ambientes de aprendizaje y desarrollo humano de la comunidad educativa.
This Project is part of the Education and Society research line, in the area of Integration and Human Diversity, thematic axis School Coexistence, which is approached with a qualitative approach of descriptive scope of transversal type, thhrough the collectioon of data by means of interviews and observation participant to the research focal group. The development of this research allowed the Llana de La Tigra Educational Institution of the municipality of Rionegro, Santander ? Colombia to know which are the factors that affect the school coexistence between high school and middle school students, based on the information obtained a strategic plan was designed that has allowed to improve the learning environments and human development of the educational community. The development of this research allowed the Llana de la Tigra Educational Institution of the municipality of Rionegro, Santander - Colombia to know which are the factors that affect the school coexistence between high school and middle school students, based on the information obtained a strategic plan was designed that has allowed to improve the learning environments and human development of the educational community.

Publication Year
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
Convivencia escolar
Plan estrat?gico
Ambientes de aprendizaje
Administraci?n y planificaci?n educativa
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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