Curso virtual como estrategia did?ctica para la ense?anza de los gestos t?cnico del pase y recepci?n del baloncesto


Quintero, Bladimir Manrique

161 p.
El objetivo general de la investigaci?n es la de dise?ar un curso virtual como estrategia did?ctica para ense?anza de los gestos t?cnico del pase y recepci?n del baloncesto en estudiantes del grado d?cimo del Colegio Integrado de Puerto Wilches (Santander) durante el a?o 2018. Actualmente, se ha demostrado que las Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n y Comunicaci?n especialmente en la educaci?n han adquirido un impacto positivo y adem?s permite a los docentes ingresar a nuevas herramientas para facilitar el proceso de ense?anza ? aprendizaje. La herramienta tecnol?gica permitir? que el joven mejore sus falencias encontradas en la t?cnica b?sica del baloncesto ya que al observar su gesto propio y el indicado por medio del curso virtual lo llevaraa que se autoeval?e y de esta manera corrija sus dificultades para la ejecuci?n en la pr?ctica, como tambi?n que el docente identifique el avance de cada uno de sus alumnos en los gestos t?cnicos del baloncesto al observar la ejecutar de cada uno de ellos. Como igualmente ayudara a cambiar la metodolog?a para el mejoramiento y desarrollo de las capacidades deportiva de los j?venes y puedan reconocer sus falencias en su pr?ctica de la t?cnica b?sica; pases y recepci?n en baloncesto. Herramienta que le brindara un apoyo practico como visual en la ejecuci?n de cada uno de los ejercicios. La tem?tica de la ense?anza de los gestos t?cnicos del pase y recepci?n del baloncesto supone un cierto dominio de habilidades y destrezas b?sicas que le permitan dar soluci?n a las actividades propuestas, toda esta did?ctica puede llevarse a trav?s de la plataforma google classroom. Igualmente, se define una poblaci?n compuesta por los estudiantes del grado d?cimo del Colegio Integrado de Puerto Wilches (Santander), a quienes se aplicaron t?cnicas e instrumentos de recolecci?n de datos, posteriormente se lleva a cabo un an?lisis que permite concluir que sin duda se ha encontrado una alternativa de soluci?n a la problem?tica, se decidi? que una herramienta did?ctica a trav?s del uso de las TIC que favoreci? a la ense?anza ? aprendizaje de los gestos t?cnicos de pase y recepci?n del baloncesto, dise?ando un plan de actividades en donde se busc? el desarrollo del gesto t?cnico.
The general objective of the research is to design a virtual course as a didactic strategy for teaching technical gestures of the pass and reception of basketball in students of the tenth grade of the Integrated School of Puerto Wilches (Santander) during the year 2018. Currently, it has been shown that Information and Communication Technologies, especially in education, have had a positive impact and also allow teachers to enter new tools to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The technological tool will allow the young person to improve their shortcomings found in the basic technique of basketball since observing their own gesture and the one indicated by the virtual course will lead them to self-evaluate and in this way correct their difficulties for execution in the practice, as well as that the teacher identifies the progress of each of their students in the technical gestures of basketball to observe the execution of each of them. As also, it will help to change the methodology for the improvement and development of the sports skills of young people and they can recognize their shortcomings in their practice of basic technique; passes and reception in basketball. Tool that will provide practical and visual support in the execution of each of the exercises. The thematic of the teaching of the technical gestures of the pass and reception of the basketball supposes a certain mastery of basic abilities and skills that allow him to give a solution to the proposed activities, all this didactic can be carried through the google classroom platform. Likewise, a population composed of tenth-grade students of the Integrated School of Puerto Wilches (Santander) is defined, to whom techniques and data collection instruments were applied, an analysis is subsequently carried out to conclude that it has undoubtedly been studied. Found an alternative solution to the problem, it was decided that a didactic tool through the use of ICT that favored the teaching-learning of the technical gestures of pass and reception of basketball, designing a plan of activities where the development of the technical gesture.

Publication Year
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
Gesto t?cnico
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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