Las posibilidades para propiciar el pensamiento epist?mico desde el paradigma sociocr?tico en el investigador doctoral


Fonseca Fern?ndez, Candy Mar?a; Quinto Zea, Martha Shirley; Urrea Galeano, Gloria Luz

En este art?culo se hace una revisi?n bibliogr?fica que explora las posibilidades de c?mo el paradigma sociocr?tito (Escuela de Frankfurt, pensadores latinoamericanos), puede favorecer el pensar epist?mico (pensadores latinoamericanos) del investigador en el nivel doctoral, donde ?ste comienza a interrogarse sobre la realidad desde un lugar epist?mico. Pensar epistemicamente es: sentir, interrogar y actuar sobre la realidad (plural, compleja, din?mica, polis?mica) para explicarla, comprenderla, transformarla o problematizarla. Esta manera de pensar le permite al investigador elegir de manera consciente el rumbo de su investigaci?n. De hecho, el investigador a nivel doctoral comienza su labor en un pensar epist?mico, que se fortalece con un pensar te?rico y vuelve a hacerse preguntas sobre la realidad en t?rminos propositivos para formular tesis como expresiones del pensamiento epist?mico d?nde el conocimiento se caracterice por ser original, novedoso y transformador. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo de tipo documental y dise?o bibliogr?fico con las t?cnicas de revisi?n de contenido y el an?lisis te?rico-reflexivo de la literatura relacionada con la tem?tica, se analizaron las sinergias entre el pensar epist?mico y el paradigma sociocr?tico, destacando su capacidad para desafiar las formas establecidas de conocimiento, promover la inclusi?n de voces marginales y construir un marco m?s amplio y equitativo. A trav?s de este an?lisis, se revelan las oportunidades y beneficios de adoptar el paradigma sociocr?tico en el pensar epist?mico del investigador, brindando nuevas perspectivas y caminos para la generaci?n de conocimiento liberador, transformador y contextualizado y el desarrollo intelectual; desde las realidades socialmente construidas.
In this article, a literature review is conducted to explore the possibilities of how the sociocritical paradigm (Frankfurt School, Latin American thinkers) can favor the epistemic thinking (Latin American thinkers) of doctoral-level researchers, where they begin to question reality from an epistemic standpoint. Epistemic thinking involves sensing, questioning, and acting upon the (plural, complex, dynamic, polysemic) reality in order to explain, understand, transform, or problematize it. This way of thinking allows the researcher to consciously choose the direction of their research. In fact, doctoral-level researchers embark on their work with an epistemic mindset, which is strengthened through theoretical thinking, and they continuously ask questions about reality in propositional terms to formulate theses as expressions of epistemic thinking, where knowledge is characterized as original, innovative, and transformative. By employing a qualitative documentary approach and a bibliographic design using content review techniques and theoretical-reflexive analysis of literature related to the topic, the synergies between epistemic thinking and the sociocritical paradigm were analyzed, highlighting their capacity to challenge established forms of knowledge, promote the inclusion of marginalized voices, and construct a broader and more equitable framework. Through this analysis, the opportunities and benefits of adopting the sociocritical paradigm in the epistemic thinking of researchers are revealed, offering new perspectives and pathways for the generation of liberating, transformative, and contextually situated knowledge, as well as intellectual development, within socially constructed realities.

Publication Year
Doctoral Research
Epistemic Thinking
Sociocritical Paradigm
Investigaci?n Doctoral
Paradigma Sociocr?tico
Pensamiento Epist?mico
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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Candy Mar?a Fonseca Fern?ndez, Martha Shirley Quinto Zea, Gloria Luz Urrea Galeano - 2023