Resiliencia como estrategia en el ejercicio docente de la Instituci?n Educativa Rafael Uribe Uribe del Corregimiento de Media Luna, Cesar - Colombia


Vergel Guerrero, Ede Jhohana

116 p.
El estudio tuvo como prop?sito analizar la capacidad resiliente de los docentes en la Instituci?n Educativa Rafael Uribe Uribe, Se estableci? por sustento te?rico autores como Torre (2011), Kotliarenco (2011), Cyrulnik (2012) y Melillo y Suarez (2011), entre otros. La investigaci?n se enfoc? metodol?gicamente en el enfoque cuantitativo positivista, asimismo es descriptiva con un dise?o no experimental, transeccional, de campo. La poblaci?n sometida a estudio se constituy? por los docentes (54) que laboran en los dos (2) turnos para los niveles de preescolar, primaria y secundaria, los cuales representan al personal docente que labora en los diferentes niveles de la Instituci?n Educativa Rafael Uribe Uribe, a los cuales se les aplic? un instrumento de 36 ?tems. En tal sentido, se determin? la confiabilidad de los mismos a trav?s del m?todo Alfa de Cronbach obteni?ndose como resultado un Alpha de 0,96 para Resiliencia lo cual ubic? al instrumento como muy confiable; asimismo se tomaron las consideraciones de cinco (05) expertos en la tem?tica para adecuar las preguntas al contexto estudiado de la manera m?s pertinente posible. Para el tratamiento estad?stico, los datos se analizaron de manera descriptiva a trav?s de frecuencias, porcentajes y promedios generales. La informaci?n obtenida permiti? determinar que los docentes no manifestaron habilidades para enfrentar escenarios adversos durante el proceso de ense?anza, espec?ficamente en el aula de clases; los docentes desconocen los referentes te?ricos sobre la resiliencia; los docentes no manejan oportunamente lo referido con los pilares y factores resilientes; raz?n por la cual se recomend? orientar capacitaciones sobre la resiliencia, pilares y factores.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the resilient capacity of teachers in the Rafael Uribe Uribe Educational Institution. Authors such as Torre (2011), Kotliarenco (2011), Cyrulnik (2012) and Melillo y Suarez (2011) were established by theoretical support. others. The research was methodologically focused on the quantitative positivist approach, and is also descriptive with a non-experimental, transectional, field design. The population under study was constituted by the teachers (54) who work in the two (2) shifts for the preschool, primary and secondary levels, which represent the teaching staff that works in the different levels of the Rafael Uribe Educational Institution. Uribe, to whom a 36-item instrument was applied. In this regard, the reliability of the same was determined through the Alpha method of Cronbach, obtaining as a result an Alpha of 0.96 for Resilience, which placed the instrument as very reliable; likewise, the considerations of five (05) experts in the subject were taken to adapt the questions to the context studied in the most pertinent way possible. For the statistical treatment, the data were analyzed descriptively through frequencies, percentages and general averages. The information obtained allowed to determine that the teachers did not show the ability to face adverse scenarios during the teaching process, specifically in the classroom; teachers are unaware of the theoretical referents on resilience; Teachers do not handle timely referred to pillars and resilient factors; which is why it was recommended to guide training on resilience, pillars and factors.

Publication Year
Instituciones educativas
Trabajo de grado-Maestr?a
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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