La epistemolog?a como base evolutiva para el desarrollo cient?fico e investigativo


Rivera Corredor, David Alberto; Villegas Aramendiz, Karina Edith

La aplicabilidad e influencia de la epistemolog?a en los procesos investigativos al igual que en el concepto de ciencia misma pueden evidenciarse en distintos puntos; el proceso investigativo nunca va a ser completamente objetivo e impersonal, sino que el investigador trae consigo una serie de creencias epistemol?gicas que ayudan a decidir c?mo abordar un fen?meno a investigar. los distintos modelos epistemol?gicos clasifican y discriminan lo que en el pasado, presente y futuro se conoc?a, conoce y conocer? como ciencia, sugiriendo as?, que estos mismos modelos epistemol?gicos, junto a sus formas de construir y validar conocimiento cient?fico, nunca van a ser est?ticos; por el contrario, est?n en constante cambio. De esta manera, se resalta el papel de la epistemolog?a en la actualidad con miras a que los investigadores sean m?s reflexivos y se atrevan a implementar metodolog?as de investigaci?n innovadoras, dejando a un lado posibles dogmatismos metodol?gicos, el llamado ?pensamiento perezoso? o un ?cientificismo?, particularmente, en el campo de la educaci?n y los procesos de ense?anza y producci?n cient?fica latinoamericanos.  Palabras claves: Modelos epist?micos, investigaci?n cient?fica, reflexividad.
The applicability and influence of epistemology in the research processes as well as in the concept of science itself can be evidenced in different points; the research process will never be completely objective and impersonal, but the researcher brings with him a series of epistemological beliefs that help to decide how to approach a phenomenon to be investigated. The different epistemological models classify and discriminate what in the past, present and future was known, is known and will be known as science, thus suggesting that these same epistemological models, together with their ways of constructing and validating scientific knowledge, will never be static; on the contrary, they are constantly changing.  In this way, the role of epistemology is highlighted in order for researchers to be more reflective and to dare to implement innovative research methodologies, leaving aside possible methodological dogmatism; the so-called "lazy thinking" or "scientism", particularly in the field of education and the processes of teaching and scientific production in Latin America. Key words: Epistemological models, scientific research, reflexivity

Publication Year
Epistemological models
scientific research
Modelos epist?micos
investigaci?n cient?fica
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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Revista DIALOGUS - 2019