Influential factors affecting inherent deformation during plate forming by line hating (Report 1) - the effect of plate size and edge effect


Vega, Adán; Rashed, Sherif; Serizawa, Hisashi; Murakawa, Hidekazu

The authors aim to propose an accurate and practical method to predict the deformation of actual plates of large size such as those used in shipbuilding. This method is to be used to improve the accuracy of an automatic plate forming process. In this first report, the influential factors affecting inherent deformation are outlines. Numerical investigations of the influence of plate length and plate width of large plates are presented. The edge effect on inherent deformation of such large plates is also investigated. The investigations have shown that the influence of plate length and plate width on inherent deformation, including edge effect, of large plates is small and can be neglected. Therefore, when the distribution of inherent deformation of a large plate is known along the heating line, the inherent deformation of smaller plates, with the same thickness and formed under the same heating and cooling conditions, can be accurately and easily predicted.
The authors aim to propose an accurate and practical method to predict the deformation of actual plates of large size such as those used in shipbuilding. This method is to be used to improve the accuracy of an automatic plate forming process. In this first report, the influential factors affecting inherent deformation are outlines. Numerical investigations of the influence of plate length and plate width of large plates are presented. The edge effect on inherent deformation of such large plates is also investigated. The investigations have shown that the influence of plate length and plate width on inherent deformation, including edge effect, of large plates is small and can be neglected. Therefore, when the distribution of inherent deformation of a large plate is known along the heating line, the inherent deformation of smaller plates, with the same thickness and formed under the same heating and cooling conditions, can be accurately and easily predicted.

Publication Year
line heating
inherent deformation
residual stress
plate length effect
plate width effect
edge effect
line heating
inherent deformation
residual stress
plate length effect
plate width effect
edge effect
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