MLEA: a solution for users of android in UTP Virtual


de Clunie, Gisela T.; Crespo, Sergio; Castillo, Aris; Braz, Lucas; Serrao, Tássia; Rangel, Norman; Riley, Jeanette; de Barraza, Olinda; Rodríguez, Kexy

This paper describes a design of an educational platform for a mobile learning architecture, which is a state of the art topic in distance education. The product will allow users to interact in an efficient, flexible, and transparent fashion with a web-based education environment, in this case Module Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle), using Android mobile devices. In order to provide a strong and lasting architecture, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methodology is used given that it allows easy software re-utilization as well as integration of heterogeneous services. The architecture is based on web services implemented with Representational State Transfer (REST), as it has been demonstrated to be lighter and less consuming than other protocols, for devices with limited resources such as mobile devices. Web services provide the communication means between the server side and the client side of the architecture, whereas agents are used to deliver the services itself. The authors propose the development of an environment that facilitates the integration of various educational resources to support m-learning. An important aspect of the proposal is the offering of a tool to provide customized alerts for students and teachers, enabling them to remain updated about activities taking place in the courses
This paper describes a design of an educational platform for a mobile learning architecture, which is a state of the art topic in distance education. The product will allow users to interact in an efficient, flexible, and transparent fashion with a web-based education environment, in this case Module Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle), using Android mobile devices. In order to provide a strong and lasting architecture, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methodology is used given that it allows easy software re-utilization as well as integration of heterogeneous services. The architecture is based on web services implemented with Representational State Transfer (REST), as it has been demonstrated to be lighter and less consuming than other protocols, for devices with limited resources such as mobile devices. Web services provide the communication means between the server side and the client side of the architecture, whereas agents are used to deliver the services itself. The authors propose the development of an environment that facilitates the integration of various educational resources to support m-learning. An important aspect of the proposal is the offering of a tool to provide customized alerts for students and teachers, enabling them to remain updated about activities taking place in the courses

Publication Year
Distance learning
virtual education
service oriented architecture (SOA)
mobile learning
mobile computing
representational state transfer (REST)
Distance learning
virtual education
service oriented architecture (SOA)
mobile learning
mobile computing
representational state transfer (REST)
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