Electro mobility in Panama: A review


Guevara Cedeño, Jessica; Berbey Alvarez, Aranzazu; Torabi, Roham; Aguilar, Jairo

Global initiatives against climate change have recommended that the world must make a change in its mobility technologies, as the transport sector is responsible for 21% of global emissions, this concern has accelerated in promoting the various options for more transport efficient and cleaner fuels. One of the approaches that the major international organizations have had is to promote electric mobility, which has evolved in recent years, in which the capacities and energy densities of the batteries have been improved, reducing their manufacturing costs. The objective of this work is to conduct a review of the state of the art about electric vehicles in Panama and identify the potential impact of high electric vehicle penetration in reducing CO2 emissions and electricity consumption, which must be adapted to produce the required energy in a sustainable and efficient way. Finally, country of energy policies are identified expected to encourage renewable generation such as solar and wind energy that are planned to be built in Panama, promoting the generation of clean energy to contribute to sustainable development.
GGlobal initiatives against climate change have recommended that the world must make a change in its mobility technologies, as the transport sector is responsible for 21% of global emissions, this concern has accelerated in promoting the various options for more transport efficient and cleaner fuels. One of the approaches that the major international organizations have had is to promote electric mobility, which has evolved in recent years, in which the capacities and energy densities of the batteries have been improved, reducing their manufacturing costs. The objective of this work is to conduct a review of the state of the art about electric vehicles in Panama and identify the potential impact of high electric vehicle penetration in reducing CO2 emissions and electricity consumption, which must be adapted to produce the required energy in a sustainable and efficient way. Finally, country of energy policies are identified expected to encourage renewable generation such as solar and wind energy that are planned to be built in Panama, promoting the generation of clean energy to contribute to sustainable development.

Publication Year
urban transport
railway engineering
electricity emission
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