Temporal bounded reasoning for context-based information fusion in DoS attack detection


Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; De Paz, Juan; Bajo, Javier; Navarro, Martí; Zato, Carolina; Julián, Vicente

Security is one of the main aspects to take into account when designing and developing web services. A meaning number of mechanisms of attack can lead to a web service system crash. As a result, the web service cannot allow the access to authorized users. This type of attacks is so-called as denial of service attack (DoS) which affects the availability of the services and resources. This paper presents an approach to detect and classify DoS attacks, based on Case-based Reasoning methodology where heterogeneous data are merged in order to obtain a set of cases that reflect previous analysis. The proposal has two peculiarities: (i) when a web service is attacked, this possible attack is studied by different analysers, distributing previous experiences among the analysers, in order to classify attacks in a better way; and (ii) the analysis process against attacks is temporal bounded allowing its use in environments with temporal constraints.
Security is one of the main aspects to take into account when designing and developing web services. A meaning number of mechanisms of attack can lead to a web service system crash. As a result, the web service cannot allow the access to authorized users. This type of attacks is so-called as denial of service attack (DoS) which affects the availability of the services and resources. This paper presents an approach to detect and classify DoS attacks, based on Case-based Reasoning methodology where heterogeneous data are merged in order to obtain a set of cases that reflect previous analysis. The proposal has two peculiarities: (i) when a web service is attacked, this possible attack is studied by different analysers, distributing previous experiences among the analysers, in order to classify attacks in a better way; and (ii) the analysis process against attacks is temporal bounded allowing its use in environments with temporal constraints.

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mixture of experts
temporal-bounded process
mixture of experts
temporal-bounded process
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