Covid-19: relevancia de las pruebas r?pidas antig?nicas para su diagn?stico


Iglesias, Elga; Montero, Mitzy; Lau, Roxana

El proyecto de investigaci?n titulado: ?COVID-19 Relevancia De Las Pruebas R?pidas Antig?nicas Para Su Diagn?stico?, tiene como objetivo conocer la importancia del uso de las pruebas r?pidas durante la pandemia de Covid-19. La investigaci?n es te?rica descriptiva de tipo documental, basado en documentos t?cnicos de la Organizaci?n Mundial de la Salud (OMS), sobre la detecci?n de ant?geno para el SarCov-2 y art?culos cient?ficos publicados de fuentes internacionales en espa?ol e ingl?s desde el 2019 al 2021, indexados en distintas bases de datos. En la estrategia de b?squedas se emplearon distintos descriptores combinando palabras y operadores bol?anos utilizados fueron de intersecci?n (AND), para establecer las operaciones l?gicas entre los conceptos y (OR) para recuperar documentos donde aparezca uno, o al menos uno de los argumentos. Adem?s, se utiliz? el gestor Zotero. Se seleccionaron 8 art?culos donde se les realiz? un an?lisis del contenido. El estudio muestra informaci?n sobre el tipo de prueba, sensibilidad, especificidad, utilizaci?n, tipo de pacientes, valores predictivos; se evalu? la sensibilidad y la especificidad, donde se determin? que la prueba de Abbott BinaxNow y Panbio; con sensibilidades de 93.9%, 93.3% y 82.1 % respectivamente. Se obtuvieron valores predictivos entre 50 -100 %, para diferentes tipos de muestras y distintas metodolog?as. A pesar de lo que sostiene la literatura se obtuvieron sensibilidades aceptables, independiente del lugar de toma de muestra ya fuera nasofar?ngea como recomiendan diversos estudios o nasales, lo que ofrece una ventaja en los pacientes pedi?tricos y aquellos que presenten alguno tipo de padecimiento previo en las v?as a?reas superiores.
The present research entitled ?Covid 19: Relevance of Rapid Antigenic Tests for Its Diagnosis?, aims to know the importance of the use of rapid diagnostic tests during the Covid-19 pandemic. A descriptive theoretical work of a documentary type is carried out, based on technical documents of the World Health Organization on the detection of antigen for SarCov-2 and scientific articles published from international sources in Spanish and English from 2019 to 2021, indexed in different databases. In the search strategy, different descriptors were used combining words and Bol?an operators used were intersection (AND), to establish the logical operations between the concepts and (OR) to retrieve documents where one, another or at least one of the arguments appears. In addition, the Zotero manager was used. Eight articles were selected and a content analysis was performed. The study highlights among its results information on the type of test, sensitivity, specificity, use, type of patients, predictive values; sensitivity and specificity were evaluated, where it was determined that the Abbott BinaxNow and Panbio; with sensitivities of 93.9%, 93.3% and 82.1% respectively. Predictive values between 50-100% were obtained for different types of samples and different methodologies. Despite what the literature maintains, acceptable sensitivities were obtained, regardless of the place where the sample was taken, whether it was nasopharyngeal as recommended by various studies or nasal, which offers an advantage in pediatric patients and those who present some type of previous disease in the upper airways.

Publication Year
Rapid antigen test
Prueba r?pida de ant?geno
RI de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
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Revista SALUTA - 2021