El agua, elemento clave para la seguridad alimentaria. Estudio de caso: calidad del agua de consumo de urbanizaciones de David y Dolega.


Rovira R., Dalys Maribel; Branda, Guillermo; Valdés, Benedicto; Castillo, Amparo; Rivera, Rhony

<42>Plus (+) Economía:ISSN2411-0353 -ISSN-L2644-4046|Vol.6. Núm. 2, Junio –Noviembre 2018AbstractThe quality of water for human consumption was evaluated in seven house developments in the districts of David and Dolega, to contribute to food safety. The study type was descriptive and it was carried out between the years 2016-2018. Chemical, physical and microbiological parameters were evaluated, following standardized analysis techniques. The results show that in general, all the parameters studied were within the permissible values in the Technical Regulation DGNTI-COPANIT 23-395-99(as per Acronym in Spanish),except residual chlorine, this indicates that it is necessary to guarantee the application and monitoring of chlorine in the storage tank. The Panamanian standard establishes a maximum level of 1,5 mg/L and a minimum residual of 0,8 mg/L in the water. No presence of total coliforms was reported in six of the seven house developments evaluated.
<42>Plus (+) Economía:ISSN2411-0353 -ISSN-L2644-4046|Vol.6. Núm. 2, Junio –Noviembre 2018AbstractThe quality of water for human consumption was evaluated in seven house developments in the districts of David and Dolega, to contribute to food safety. The study type was descriptive and it was carried out between the years 2016-2018. Chemical, physical and microbiological parameters were evaluated, following standardized analysis techniques. The results show that in general, all the parameters studied were within the permissible values in the Technical Regulation DGNTI-COPANIT 23-395-99(as per Acronym in Spanish),except residual chlorine, this indicates that it is necessary to guarantee the application and monitoring of chlorine in the storage tank. The Panamanian standard establishes a maximum level of 1,5 mg/L and a minimum residual of 0,8 mg/L in the water. No presence of total coliforms was reported in six of the seven house developments evaluated.

Publication Year
water quality
house development
food security
RI JaDimike
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