Characterization of the dynamic behavior of transition systems between rigid and flexible catenary


Sanz Bobi, Juan de Dios; Berbey Alvarez, Aranzazu; Calvo Hernadez, Alvaro; Guevara Cedeño, Jessica

—El estudio que se presenta tratará sobre el comportamiento dinámico que existe ante la transición que se produce a la entrada y salida de un túnel cuando en este último se ha instalado catenaria rígida mientras en el exterior se mantienen sistemas de catenaria flexible. La viga de transición utilizada es un elemento que pretende mitigar las diferencias dinámicas en la fuerza del contacto que se produce entre ambos tipos de catenaria. Su geometría está basada en la viga de rígida, teniendo el mismo perfil inicial y reduciendo su sección para disminuir la rigidez. Los mecanismos actuales de catenaria rígida y transición no permiten el paso a velocidades por encima de 100 km/h, produciéndose pérdidas de contacto y arcos eléctricos que aumentan el desgaste de los componentes considerablemente. El presente trabajo se centra en la caracterización del comportamiento dinámico de los sistemas de transición actuales entre tipos de catenaria y propone una configuración alternativa que permita reducir la pérdida de contacto entre componentes para velocidades por encima del límite conocido. Esto permitirá aumentar el rango de velocidades de explotación y la instalación de catenaria rígida en un mayor ámbito, reduciendo las necesidades de galibo y en consecuencia el diámetro de los túneles a crear
The study presented will deal with the dynamic behavior that exists before the transition that occurs at the entrance and exit of a tunnel when a rigid catenary has been installed in the latter while flexible catenary systems are maintained abroad. The transition beam used is an element that aims to mitigate the dynamic differences in the strength of the contact that occurs between both types of catenary. Its geometry is based on the rigid beam, having the same initial profile and reducing its section to reduce stiffness. The current rigid catenary and transition mechanisms do not allow passage at speeds above 100 km / h, resulting in loss of contact and electric arcs that increase the wear of the components considerably. This paper focuses on the characterization of the dynamic behavior of current transition systems between types of catenary and proposes an alternative configuration that allows reducing the loss of contact between components for speeds above the known limit. This will allow increasing the range of operating speeds and the installation of rigid catenary in a larger area, reducing the needs of gauge and consequently the diameter of the tunnels to be created. The study presented will deal with the dynamic behavior that exists before the transition that occurs at the entrance and exit of a tunnel when a rigid catenary has been installed in the latter while flexible catenary systems are maintained abroad. The transition beam used is an element that aims to mitigate the dynamic differences in the strength of the contact that occurs between both types of catenary. Its geometry is based on the rigid beam, having the same initial profile and reducing its section to reduce stiffness. The current rigid catenary and transition mechanisms do not allow passage at speeds above 100 km / h, resulting in loss of contact and electric arcs that increase the wear of the components considerably. This paper focuses on the characterization of the dynamic behavior of current transition systems between types of catenary and proposes an alternative configuration that allows reducing the loss of contact between components for speeds above the known limit. This will allow increasing the range of operating speeds and the installation of rigid catenary in a larger area, reducing the needs of gauge and consequently the diameter of the tunnels to be created

Publication Year
catenaria rígidas
catenaria flexibles
comportamiento dinámico
RI de Documento Digitales de Acceso Abierto de la UTP
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